How can resource-efficient construction be realised without compromising on sound insulation?
Through effective sound insulation measures for timber constructions.
In times where sustainable buildings are in rising demand, wood with its enormous ecological benefits presents an excellent solution in the construction industry. Whether it is a single-family house or 'wooden skyscraper' that has to be designed, wooden buildings serve lots of advantages. However, this will inevitably result in challenging tasks for sound insulation, especially in the low frequency range.
Impact sound from people walking is the most common source for low-frequency sound transmission in various timber constructions. Often current standards and even strict acoustic requirements do not consider such frequency range, which needs to be addressed in detail.
With our REGUFOAM hangers or REGUPOL sonusclips, for example, suspended ceilings can be designed to result in significant improvements in the low frequency range.
The acoustic improvement in cross-laminated timber structures, on the other hand, is achieved by using the elastic and mass-increasing levelling fill REGUPOL comfort S1. In combination with the highly efficient REGUPOL comfort impact sound insulation layers, this approach results in very effective sound insulation. Additionally, the REGUFOAM vibrationrange offers wall isolation strips to reduce the flanking noise transmission.
Another ecological and soundproofing benefit will add our REGUPOL sonus ranges made of almost 100 % recycled rubber or cork elastomers, which can be used as sound insulation under various floor coverings.
The products are developed and intended for the application described here. Use of the product for other purposes may lead to safety issues. If in doubt, please contact us.