Seismic resistant RC structures
Decoupled masonry infill
Reinforced concrete (RC) structures with masonry infill walls constitute a significant portion the building stock in many countries due to their simplicity and outstanding characteristics in terms of energy efficiency, fire resistance and sound isolation.
However, recent earthquakes have demonstrated the high vulnerability to damage of traditional masonry infills as they interact strongly with the structural system during seismic actions.
REGUPOL INODIS (Innovative decoupled Infill System) makes masonry infill walls seismically resistant. The system fulfills seismic codes such as Eurocode 8, ACI 318, IBC and contributes a significant part to save human lives.
The products are developed and intended for the application described here. Use of the product for other purposes may lead to safety issues. If in doubt, please contact us.

Earthquake simulation
Comparison between interacting and non-interacting masonry infill walls
Features & Benefits
Saving lives
Prevention of structural damage
Cost reduction
Easy installation
Simple design
Recycled materials